Publications (Neuroscience)

Lahner, B., Dwivedi, K., Iamshchinina, P., Graumann, M., Lascelles, A.,
Roig, G., Gifford, A.T., Pan, B., Jin, S., Murty, N.A.R., Kay, K., Oliva†, A., & Cichy†, R.M. (2023).
BOLD Moments: modeling short visual events through a video fMRI dataset and metadata.
bioRxiv Paper

Gifford, A.T., Lahner, B., Saba-Sadiya, S., Vilas, M.G., Lascelles, A., Oliva, A., Kay, K., Roig, G., & Cichy, R.M. (2023).
The Algonauts Project 2023 Challenge: How the Human Brain Makes Sense of Natural Scenes.
arXiv, 2301.03198.
arXiv Paper

Mohsenzadeh*, Y., Lahner*, B., Mullin*, C., & Oliva, A. (2023).
Tracking the Spatio-Temporal Neural Trace of Visual Memorability.
Fusion Video

Lowe*, M., Mohsenzadeh*, Y., Lahner, B., Charest, I., Oliva†, A., & Teng†, S. (2022).
Cochlea to categories: The spatiotemporal dynamics of semantic auditory representations.
Cognitive Neuropsychology, 38(7–8), 468–489.
Fusion Video

Cichy, R.M., Dwivedi, K., Lahner, B., Lascelles, A., Iamshchinina, P., Graumann, M., Andonian, A., Murty, N.A.R., Kay, K., Roig, G., & Oliva A. (2021).
The Algonauts Project 2021 Challenge: How the Human Brain Makes Sense of a World in Motion.
arXiv, 2104.13714
arXiv Paper
GitHub Code

Cichy, R.M. & Oliva, A. (2020).
A M/EEG-fMRI Fusion Primer: Resolving Human Brain Responses in Space and Time.
Neuron, 107(5), 772–781.

Oliva, A. (2020). Computational Models of Human Object and
Scene Recognition.In The Cognitive Neurosciences, 6th Edition.
Edited by Gazzaniga et al. MIT Press (pp. 151–157). Paper

Jaegle*, A., Mehrpour*, V., Mohsenzadeh*, Y., Meyer, T., Oliva, A., & Rust, N.
(2019). Population
response magnitude variation in inferotemporal cortex predicts image memorability.eLife, 8:e47596 Paper

Mohsenzadeh, Y., Mullin, C., Oliva, A., & Pantazis, D. (2019). The perceptual neural trace of memorable
unseen scenes. Scientific Reports, 9, 6033 Paper

Khaligh-Razavi, S.M., Cichy, R.M., Pantazis, D., & Oliva, A. (2018). Tracking the
spatiotemporal neural dynamics of object properties in the human brain. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 30(11), 1559–1576.Paper

Bainbridge, W.A., Dilks, D., & Oliva, A. (2017). Memorability: A
Stimulus-Driven Perceptual Neural Signature Distinctive from Memory.
Neuroimage, 149, 141–152Paper Brain ROIs

Cichy, R.M., Pantazis , D., & Oliva, A. (2014). Resolving human
object recognition in space and time.Nature Neuroscience, 17(3),
Supplementary Material

Oliva, A. (2013). Scene Perception.
Chapter (51) in the New Visual Neurosciences. Eds John S. Werner and Leo. M. Chalupa (pp.

Park, S., Brady, T.F., Greene, M.R., & Oliva, A. (2011). Disentangling scene content from its spatial boundary: Complementary roles for the
parahippocampal place area and lateral occipital complex in representing
scenes Journal of Neuroscience, 31(4), 1333–1340.

Goffaux, V., Jacques, C., Mouraux, A., Oliva, A., Rossion, B., & Schyns. P.G. (2005).
Diagnostic colors contribute to early stages of scene categorization: behavioral and
neurophysiological evidences. Visual Cognition, 12, 878–892.

Habib, M., Gayraud, D., Oliva, A., Regis, J., Salamon, G., & Khalil, R. (1991).
Effects of handedness and sex on the morphology of the corpus callosum: A study with brain magnetic resonance imaging
Brain and cognition, 16(1), 41–61.
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